Wednesday 2 March 2011

How to resize your photos! (made easy)

Because the website has to store a copy of each picture loaded to your ads we unfortunately have to impose a maximum file/pixel size on the images that you can upload.

If you know how to resize images, it is easy to do – if not - a complete mystery! Well here are some simple instructions to help you along the way.

Make a note of the name of the photos that you wish to upload with your advert.
Browse to the file that your photos are saved in.

At the top of the page left hand side, there is a “View” button (IE7) - (in IE8 it is on the top right hand side and called "Changed your view" with a little picture of a photo), click on this and choose the Details option. This will now list your photos in file size and date order, which ever one you choose.

Right click on the image that you want to open and it will open in Windows.

Right click on the now open window and choose the Edit picture option.

A new pane will open the right, choose the resize option.

You are aiming to get your image down to 300 x 225 pixels, which will load really easily. The size that you are achieving shows in Size Setting Summary which is the information at the bottom right hand side.

Either: - choose the email size from the drop down “Predefined Height and width”

Or amend the pixel size in the boxes to achieve close the target size

Or amend the percentage box.

Once the size is as close as possible to what is needed save the image (under a new name if you want to keep the original sized photo).

Once you have achieved the optimum size, load your photos to your advert.

It looks like a lot of instructions, but it really isn’t that difficult – go crazy, lets see all of your lovely pictures!

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