Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Choosing a Dog or Puppy

Each breed has its own characteristics and to truly enjoy owning your dog first give some thought to what you want out of your pet. In some cases it may be best to adopt an older dog- there are many for sale on AdTrader. A more mature animal won't be as destructive or bouncy as a puppy may be, but still able to live a happy active life. Your dogs’ temperament should match yours, don't choose a breed that is highly energetic if you're a couch potato!
Check out AdTraders Puppies for sale or Dogs for sale to find your perfect play mate.
Smaller dogs that are lively and fun to have include the Jack Russell, Beagle, Shih Tzu, Cavalier King Charles, Cocker Spaniels, Beagles and the very popular Chihuahua. Also consider the West Highland Terrier, Staffy, Poodles, pugs and Lhasa Apso.
Medium sized dogs are Border Collies, Bulldog, Basset Hound, Springer Spaniel, whippet or Shar pei.
Whereas if you can afford a larger dogs consider the Akita, Husky, German Shepherd, Greyhound, Boxer, Retriever, Labrador and Dalmatian.
There are off course many crossbreeds to consider, bred especially to encompass the best of both the original breeds. Cross breeds like labradoodles, and Sprocker spaniels.
Consider the space that you have for a dog. Also whether or not you have small children that may be knocked over, some breeds are more child friendly than others. Some dogs shed their hair or are low moulting and some don’t, some need to be regularly groomed/clipped, all extra time and expense.
Research carefully their characteristics so that you know what to expect, the level of exercise and care needed. If a breed was originally intended to round up sheep or work as a gun dog it will be lively and need stimulation, also will need a fair amount of exercise.
Factor in the how much the vets bills will be, as all dogs need their annual vaccinations, regular flea treatment and worming pills. Boarding costs when you go on holiday and whether or not you can afford to insure your pet .
Also there is the ever popular by product from a dog, not a chore easily ignored!
Dogs give lots of love, but need your input to keep them on the straight and narrow, so if you have the time and inclination there isn’t a much better pet to have!

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